Florida trip 2014!
So I just had this all written out and then I hit the wrong button and it erased it all. Since I need to go work on laundry and finish unpacking, you will now get the shortened version.
My parents travel to Florida each winter for about a month. We decided to fly down and spend a week with them. We have never flown in a plane (except Dalton, he has)
These envelopes each hold a small activity for the boys to open during the flights. They liked these and it helped to keep them entertained.
Headed out from Omaha on the first of January, it was cold and snowy here. The flight got delayed a few times. We showed up at the airport 3 hours early since we where so excited so the delays made for a long time waiting. We finally where able to take off and ended up stuck in Chicago, on the plane, for over 3 hours. Remember I have 5 boys, in the dark, hot, crowded plane. They did amazing though and handled it great. We arrived in Orlando after 1:30 am and had a 3 hour drive ahead to the condo. We made it to the room after 4 am and hit the sack. We where awaken very early by an excited grandma who could not wait to take us to the beach.

Carter was born for the beach. He finds treasures like a pro and was always willing to head down to the ocean with anyone who would take him.

This was our first walk down the beach, this area is about 1 1/2 from the condo.

A pool right outside our condo was used very often by these guys.

This was here when we arrived. Its really neat the picture does not do it justice. The numbers are filled in with shells. The water erased it by our second day.

Many moments where spent jumping waves.

A big hole dug in the sand provides much entertainment for boys.

So I asked Dalton to pose expecting a cute picture, Lesson learned.

Those of you that know my boys, know they hate photos. (well all but Carter who is always happy to give a cheesy grin) but they allowed mom a few moments to take some shots on the cold morning of our last day.


love love love

Atley, yes he is very cold

Its always my youngest that clowns around

my beach boy

Got this idea to do a family pyramid on the beach. Um fail. the shells where cutting into our knees and Atley just could not get on the top. It was a funny try though.

The plane ride home was much better. We only had 21 flying since they had to cancel the Chicago portion and was now a direct flight from Tampa to Omaha. We each had our own row to spread out and also window views. This was amazing to see from the day.
This was a great trip for us and we will always have these memories.
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