and work just in time to make it over for Daltons last track meet of the season. Dalton was less then impressed with his 400 meter hurddles. But I was proud. He never gave up. After a fall he picked him self up and got it done. Kind of like life. When it gets hard, knocks us down. We can quit, give up, complain, or we can keep moving forward. Keeping our eyes on the goal and keep moving towards it. This year things seem to be coming together much better for us but I can tell you last year (2012) just seemed to knock us down daily. I got to a point I didnt want to read the mail or answer the phone- I knew that
either one would just have something else bad trying to break me. I recall breaking down one day to my dad and saying something to the fact of "dad, I can't do it anymore, its like everyday something is thrown at me trying to make me crack." I really don't remember his responce but knowing my dear dad it was something along the lines of well do you have any other choice. He always has a way of taking the mountains back to mole hills. Through every trial I just felt Gods love though. I felt like I was being carried. They where hard but really they taught me so much. Thank God for trials. I would not have said that and really meant it before. But I really can see and feel our growth through these trials. Ok so back to the track meet. I hear Carter laughing. I look over to him playing will a roly poly. "mom, did you know that roly polys do situps if you lay them on their backs". yup they do infact did you know that? lol. Carter has always loved roly polys. There is a movie (bugs life?) where the roly poly says your fired. when carter was about 2 we asked him in front of some family. "What do roly polys say?" Carter reached into his pockets and pulled out a hand full of them. :)
Saturday night Dalton headed off to prom again!!This time to the East prom. His date this time is a great friend, Megan. I had so much fun doing the pictures. Megan is such a buddy to Dalton. I reminded her to make sure he treats her like a lady tonight not just a bud, opening doors and what not. To which Megan said "well Im more of the strong independent type" I informed her even so she needs to be treated like a lady for porm night and to make sure he opens doors. To witch she pointed to the car door and said ok go open it for me.
I turned my head for a bit and come back to them talking star wars. yup someone who can keep up with Daltons star wars talk. haha. I can also always count on Megan to put Dalton in his place if I need a back up. Dalton has said of Megan more then once... can you see why we get along so well. Daltons blessed with you in his life megan, I look forward to watching God work in your friendships. Dalton and Megan have decided to do the post prom also. This will be one late night for this mom. Doubt I can sleep tell they are home. And some things that have spoke deeply to me lately.
-Love people the most when they least deserve it
-God has trusted me with this pain, what am I going to do with it?
-Angry people often come from angry homes
-proverbs 23:7 For as he things within himself, so he is. (been really working on this one. Stoping thoguhts and just not letting me go there on things that will just bring up past hurts and anger)
-and this one when someone has offended you-their sin is where mine is, its at the cross.
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