We are getting settled in our new home. I have to admit I was a little afraid of this new step. I have never had my own place. I either lived at home or with John. But this place is feeling like home very quickly. I thought it would be to small since it was a downsize from our other home. Im finding it has all the space we need. It was an amazing story, the way God worked this place out for us. It was a little hard to leave our family home. I was afraid the boys would struggle with the change. But my heart was so happy when the second night here, Carter prayed at dinner,"Thank you Lord for providing us this nice house". Its clean, cute and adaquate. I was so anxious about finding us a place but kept reminding myself to wait on the Lord. He proved that was the best route to take.

The day i signed up for housing they told me it would be a 2-3 year wait. I knew with our home in foreclosure we had some time but not that long for sure. I kept looking through craigslist and the newspaper. I just kept feeling like I needed to wait on Gods time not my own. Well i got the call, we where at the top of the list. The downside was this home was in airpark, which is a good 30-45 min from everything we do. I prayed about it. I struggled. I knew I needed to look to God but really how do I know what His answer is. The home was 4 bedrooms and very cute. no garage, it actually was a duplex, but who wouldnt love to live next to me and my 5 loud boys? :) Well since I would go to the bottom of the list if i passed on the house it was not an easy choice. I felt time was ticking on our time at the house. But i decided we needed to be closer to family, to church, and to keep the kids in the same schools, also by my friends that help with child care. I asked if I could just get on the 3 bedroom list. I knew this would be a tight fit but felt I would rather be close and tight then farther out. The next week I got a call on a 3 bedroom home in belmont. I went to see the house. I still felt so unsettled about that decsion. But if I went to the bottom of the 3 bedroom list what other options would I have? I prayed that am before going to see the home and asked God to please make it clear if we should take that house. (ok I may have begged a little) i was a little disappointed as we walked out to the yard after seeing the house. it was very small and not what i invisioned for this fresh start for my kids and I. I also had no flash from God on this place. i asked for a little time to think on it. Thats when "my new best friend" said you know what I have a place, it wont be ready as soon, but its in your area. She told me the address and I said I will take it. I had no detials other then it was in the area that would be closer to the boys schools. She said it could still be a month before it was ready.
We got the notice on our home that it would be sold on the 26th. I was beginning to get nervous about how the time would all play out. I really didnt want to move things twice. One day while sitting at work (which is actually at home) I get a call from housing saying my house will be ready in 6 days. I kid you not, less then 5 minutes later, I get a knock at the door. It was the company that had bought our house and wanted to know when we would be out. Thankfully from my prior call i had the answer. God was so great to let these events happen in this order. The other way around may have caused some panic to rise up. I also got my shifts for the week and was given 3 days off. How perfect was that?
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