A while ago we went camping with some friends and they had the game Monopoly Deal. The boys loved it. We began our hunt to find this game. I checked all the places that we could think of. The only place I saw it was on Amazon and the price seemed high for a card game. My parents joined in the scavenger hunt and found it for us while in Florida. The boys were so excited and tonight are enjoying playing it. I have yet to join in so I am not even sure how to play but the boys playing nice together makes me love the game already. The extra boy is my cousins son. Deciding a sleep over will be easier on all involved so that he does not have to come over at 7 am to hang out with us tomorrow.

During a trip to Shopko the other night, (for a homework assignment for me) I found notebooks for 24 cents a piece. I had this idea in my head and had been looking for a sale on notebooks so this was the perfect deal for me. I purchased 5 notebooks. One for each child. I wrote a letter to each boy and then put it in their dresser. In my note I asked that they write me back and when done put it in my dresser. I plan to write to each child about once a week. Dalton is a little old for this but I do hope he will humor his mother once in a while and play along. I hope that this will give the boys some extra time to communicate with me as sometimes boys are not very talkative. It also gives me another to chance to tell them how much I love them and how much they mean to me. I don't know if it has ever happened to anyone else but there will be times I realize later I forgot to thank so and so for this or I forgot to make a big deal of _______ when this happened. So this gives me another chance to make my guys feel special. Hope they enjoy it as much as I do.
Well we are going to make some hot chocolate and put in a movie. Cuddle time here we come:)
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