Monday, February 3, 2014

Bible studying 2014!

 The new year started me off with some new bible study tools. I had noticed that my other bible was needing replaced not to mention I had some information wrote in it that I didn't really want to see every time I opened my bible. So I purchased myself a new bible. Our church has a great book store and I found a new bible. It is taking some getting use to when flipping through the pages. I have never had a bible with the indents for the books of the bible and actually they end up confusing me. I didn't want to purchase it for this reason but decided I liked the other options about the bible enough to go ahead with it. I also got a one-year bible reading plan. Its the longer paper in the background. It has three different reading plans. I am doing the front to back plan. You read about 3 chapters a day going in order through the bible. I did stop after Exodus and skipped over to Psalms for a little while just to lighten things up a bit before hitting Leviticus.


That is a terrible picture of the prayer journal but you get the idea. Our church hands out these prayer journals for free. I went through and added tabbed sections for each of my boys. I can add specific prayer request under their names. I also read Praying for Boys: Asking God for the Things They Need Most by Brooke McGlothin. This got me very motivated to improve my praying for my boys. I also have another prayer journal that is for all the other prayer request. I may add tabs to another one and add family, friends, church, etc. but for now I am working on praying more for my guys.
I am a note taker. I seem to remember things better if I write them down. I purchased a 5 subject 5x7 notebook. I added tabs (I just love tabs). I labeled these 1. Sunday school notes (have I mentioned I have the best Sunday School class ever) 2. Sunday Am notes 3.Sunday pm notes (our church has two different services on Sunday) 4. Bible study notes (have I mentioned I have the best bible study ever) 5. prayer request - these ones here are mostly ones that we talk about at bible study but I add other ones from church also. There is a pocket in the front where I keep my Sunday School prayer request sheet each week.

Well there you have it. That's my bible study tools for now. I am working hard at trying to be more consistent with spending time daily in the Word and in Prayer. This quarter I have a lot of reading with the classes I am taking and its not easy to find more time to sit and read. Having the bible reading plan to follow is helping. I am determined to read through the bible this year. Well now you all can hold me accountable to that. Next step: helping the boys get a better system for doing their own quiet times. I have two that are pretty good about motivating themselves to do it. I hope to encourage them all to make this a priority daily. Ohhh I am going to go add that to my prayer items for them.

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